Our sustainability agenda A Sweeter Future focuses on creating joy and long-lasting value For You, For People and For the Planet.
During 2023, we continued to progress on our sustainability agenda by focusing on more vegan products to reduce climate impact and intensified efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We improved our data collection for Scope 3 emissions and structured our initiatives to accelerate the reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Additionally, we initiated a double materiality analysis to comply with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and published our first Transparency Act report on human rights and labor practices.
As a signatory participant of the UN Global Compact since 2009, we support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both directly and indirectly through our work in our three pillars. As a fast moving consumer goods business with a global value chain we have chosen to focus on the following six Sustainable Development Goals; Gender Equality (#5), Decent Work and Economic Growth (#8), Responsible Consumption and Production (#12), Climate Action (#13), Life on Land (#15) and Partnerships for the Goals (#17).
Our Agenda
Reflecting the most important topics to our stakeholders and where Cloetta can create the most economic, social, and environmental value, our three pillars demonstrate where we are able to make the Power of True Joy come to life.
Read more about this in Cloetta’s latest sustainability report, which is part of our Annual and Sustainability Report.