Cloetta’s overall goal for sustainability is to create long-term value and impact. For Cloetta, sustainable value is about growing as a company while at the same time ensuring that the people and environments that are affected by Cloetta’s operations or products are positively impacted.
Sustainability targets
Cloetta creates a Sweeter Future For You through our product offering, providing safe and sustainable ingredients and more options for our consumers.
Cloetta creates A Sweeter Future For People across our value chain, including employees, our supply chain and our communities and society.
Cloetta creates a Sweeter Future For the Planet by improving our climate impact, sustainable sourcing, and work toward less and better packaging.
Case stories
Enabling living income
Bridging the gap for cocoa farmers: The Living Income Module Project
Sustaining Shea
Since 2017 Cloetta has been collaborating with AAK (a supplier of oil and fat solutions) to promote sustainable shea butter.
Climate action
Companies need to take responsibility for their environmental footprint. This is of increasing importance to all of our stakeholders, especially for our future generations.