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IR policy

Cloetta’s work within investor relations aims at creating and maintaining a knowledge about Cloetta among investors, analysts and journalists, and thereby contributes to the correct appraisal of the Cloetta share.

In all financial communications, the CEO and the CFO are the principal spokespersons for Cloetta. In addition, all communications with Investor Relations target groups are organised and conducted through the Director of IR & Communications, who also participates in communications with the financial markets with regard to pertinent issues.

The Cloetta IR policy is a part of the Group’s Communication and IR policy, which purpose is to ensure that all information requirements are met in a complete and accurate manner.

The Cloetta IR policy

Investor Relations activities shall be dealt with exclusively at Cloetta group-level. All publication of information shall be in compliance with the Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule book for issuers and all financial information shall comply with applicable rules and regulations, including IFRS.

Sensitive information

Sensitive financial or other information may only be disclosed to the public, financial markets or media by the CEO, the CFO, the Director of IR & Communications or others following expressed authority from the above persons.

Sensitive financial information includes financial and other forecasts; changes to Cloetta’s strategy or strategic direction; major investment decisions; acquisitions and divestitures; restructuring initiatives; the effect of regulatory changes; volume or sales related information; changes in the Group Executive Committee; major customer contracts etc. In addition, there is information that may not be price sensitive, however, mandatory to publish according to the Rule books of Issuers, such as proposed new share issuances, President and CEO resignation or appointment, proposed election of Board members (excluding employee representatives) and auditors.

Silent period

Cloetta shall observe a silent period starting at least 25 calendar days prior to publication of the year-end or interim report and including the day of the report publication. The silent period ends when the financial report is published. During this period, Cloetta representatives shall refrain from providing estimates, answering questions or commenting on the company’s financial development, financial results, outlook or significant business prospects that in terms of value or strategic importance.

If any incident that arises during a silent period is subject to regulatory timely disclosure, Cloetta will disclose the information according to the disclosure regulations and may comment on that particular matter.

Selective disclosure

In general, selective disclosure of information is not allowed. However, it might be required in situations where it is of great importance not to disclose information publicly, in which case Cloetta shall keep a logbook in accordance with the Act on Reporting Obligations Regarding Certain Holdings of Financial Instruments (Sw: Lag (2000:1087) om anmälningsskyldighet för vissa innehav av finansiella instrument). The relevant person shall be informed accordingly and, as applicable, a separate confidentiality agreement should be signed.

Roles and responsibilities

The Director of IR & Communications has the overall responsibility for Investor Relations and is globally responsible for all on-going contacts with analysts, fund managers and other financial market representatives. The Director of IR & Communications shall be informed immediately about all contacts from financial market representatives with persons within Cloetta.

In all financial communications, the CEO and the CFO are the principal spokespersons for Cloetta. In addition, all communications with Investor Relations target groups are organised and conducted through the Director of IR & Communications, who also participates in communications with the financial markets with regard to pertinent issues.

The CFO, in collaboration with the Director of IR & Communications, is responsible for producing and distributing all financial information, including year-end reports, interim reports and other financial information as required by Nasdaq Stockholm and Swedish regulations and standards.